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Huffman and St. Anne's Ice Cream Social was a part of National Night Out. Police stopped by to join the festivities.
A long-Established Tradition of Neighborhood Caroling
Whatever the weather, a choir of local residents roams the neighborhood providing good cheer.
Informal Mantle Decoration Contest
Residents of Huffman were invited to submit photos of their seasonally decorated mantles. All of them may be seen on the Huffman Facebook
Annual Cookie Basket Preparation
Every year for the holiday season, Huffman neighborhood volunteers provide a variety of items that are organized  and packed into gift bags and baskets. These are given to the many individuals, organizations, companies and city government departments who have contributed invaluable support to our neighborhood in one form or another.
Gift Bags and Baskets
The Annual Chili Cook-Off
This year it was hosted by the Light of the Nations Church
that is a part of the Huffman neighborhood

Neighborhood Events

©2019 - 2025 Huffman Historic Area

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